Real-Time Benefit Tools: Are You Ready for the Reform?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has enacted new mandates aimed at giving consumers increased drug price transparency. One new CMS rule will require Medicare plans to offer a real-time benefit tool (RTBT) that allows beneficiaries to compare their out-of-pocket expenses for different prescription drugs. At Rx Savings Solutions, we’ve been delivering drug price transparency for nearly a decade—it’s what we do.

Put simply: We offer the services that CMS will soon be mandating.

Our technology layers on top of an existing pharmacy benefit and analyzes individual claims to identify alternatives that can reduce a member’s out-of-pocket prescription drug costs and lower the plan’s overall pharmacy spend. Paired with a high-touch engagement strategy, our solution increases member satisfaction while saving money for everyone.

With new mandates on the horizon and increased weighting to Medicare star measures, the time to act is now— and we’re ready for you.

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